Our Commitments to Environmental Sustainability for Better Future

The Need for Environmental Sustainability in Pakistan

I have been tasked by my COO and close friend, Usman Maqsood, to write a blog about sustainability. Usman and I have been discussing the importance of sustainability, the environment, and health for over a year now. I have always found that I learn a lot from him, and I know that he recognizes my passion for these issues. One of the things that particularly concerns me is the air quality in Pakistan. According to AirQuality is Lahore one of the worst cities with air pollution. With a population of 14 million in one City, and population of around 230 million people in the country, it is not surprising that the air quality is not as good as we are accustomed to in Norway. However, what I have observed is that there is a lack of understanding and knowledge about sustainability and the environment among the people here. In a country where there is such a diverse population, with high unemployment and low levels of education, it can be challenging to get people to think about these issues. I am grateful that I was raised in Norway and have been exposed to these concepts. When I started my company here, it was crucial for both me and my team to prioritize sharing knowledge about sustainability.

Promoting Enviromental Sustainability

Our Commitment to Promoting Enviromental Sustainability

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